how to give art as a gift

How to give art as a gift

Art can make a beautiful gift.

And of course I would say that, but I would also add a caveat.

I think of it like perfume - it’s the kind of gift that’s best to give someone who already knows exactly what they want, because it’s so subjective.

So this post is for you if you know someone who would love a piece of my work, or to forward to the appropriate people who might want to give you a particular piece of my work you’d really love!

Gift Cards

If you know the recipient loves my work but are not sure which painting they would choose, the best option is a gift card:

Gift Card

When you purchase a gift card, a unique code is generated. You can choose whether this is emailed to you or sent direct to the recipient.

If you would like to make the gift more personal - and prettier 😉 - request a printable gift card here , and I will be delighted to create a personalised version of the template pictured with the relevant details. I will then email it to you, so you can print it out and slip it into a card, or forward to the recipient.

- From £25 - £500 {convert to your currency here}

- Combine gift cards for specific values

- Gift cards do not expire


If you already know what the recipient would like, you can purchase the exact print you know they love from the Print Shop:

Purchase prints of paintings by coastal artist Tara Leaver

Fine Art Prints

Prints make a beautiful gift because they bring the art we love into our homes even if we can’t stretch to originals {or while we save up for them!}.

Choose from a variety of prints made from some of my most popular paintings, each available in two sizes that will fit standard frames.

Original Paintings

If you know that the recipient has their heart set on an original painting, there are two ways to purchase:

Impromptu framed coastal painting inspired by sea swims by artist Tara Leaver

Original Paintings

You can of course purchase a painting directly from the shop and I will pack and ship it to you.

Shipping is free within the UK. I also ship internationally; at time of writing this costs a flate rate of £100. {Convert to your currency here.}

A second option is to pay in instalments.

Simply contact me here letting me know the painting you’d like to purchase. I will remove it from the shop and send you a Paypal invoice for the first instalment.

Please note that the painting will not be shipped until all instalments have been paid, so if the gift is for a specific date, be sure request instalments as far in advance as possible.

Purchasing art is such a beautiful way to show you care about someone - it brightens our homes, and brings comfort, uplift, and happy associations to our day to day lives.

To see some of my work in people’s homes, click here.

If you have any questions, whether about specific works, or the process of ordering, feel free to contact me using the button below, and I’ll be happy to help you make the right choice for you!